Smoke Alarms

Smart Home, House, Technology, Multimedia, Smartphone

On 1 January 2017, a new law regarding smoke alarms was introduced in Queensland Australia. Other states are expected to place higher standards for smoke alarm compliance in the near future

In Queensland from 1 January 2022,  all houses leased and sold, must have interconnected photoelectric smoke alarms (compliant with Australian Standard 3786:2014) installed. 

While many of the new interconnected smoke alarms currently available meet the required AS3786:2014 standard few have really adopted true smart home network capability which we see as the next level  for domestic use. As the cost of smart interconnected alarms is similar to standard interconnected alarms why not choose something with more functionality.

As property owners we are always looking for the best return of investment. 

This is our focus, meeting the required standard for compliance while value adding to the home. The smoke alarm should just be one component of your smart domestic network that has local and remote monitoring capabilities.

Detailed information on how the smart interconnected smoke alarms fit best into your property is available in the Resources area.

installation guidelines